Saturday, March 31, 2012

Favorite FlickR Fotos for Friday, 3/30/2012

Another 'late' blog update. I had a long day yesterday driving on northern Los Angeles County and southern Kern County looking for wildflowers. I was partially successful. You can visit my Places Page on my website or my FlickR PhotoStream to see some of the images I created including this one of my new jeep (which I used to kill an hour driving down part of the unmaintained Old Ridge Route only to hit a locked gate). That day in the field might become the subject of another blog update.

This week I am highlighting macro images found on FlickR. Paraphrasing from Wikipedia,  a macrophotograph is a photograph where the captured image is larger than the life size of the subject. Macrophotographs are created using a macro lens. A macro lens is a 'long' barreled lens designed for close-up focusing. When photographing objects up close using a macro lens, the depth of field becomes very shallow. This shallow DOF is one of the challenges in macrophotography but it is also one of the tools applied in creating the final image. Because the DOF is so shallow, the photographer must make decisions on what will be in focus (and hence the subject of the image) and what will be out of focus (also called bokeh, which helps accentuate the subject of the image). 

Macrophotographers will use tools like a tripod, off-camera flash and a cable release to create the image. Depending on the subject they may have to use other tools including clamps or wire and sticks to hold the subject steady while composing the image. When you search on FlickR for macrophotographs you will find that two subjects dominate: insects and flowers. Obviously, the photographer is not using clamps to hold the insects steady but when you see some of the incredible images created, you will wonder where the photographer got the patience it must take to get the final image.

As I said, two subjects dominate (insects and flowers) but they not the only interesting subjects for macrophotography. Other natural objects make outstanding subjects as do man made objects. Here are five of my favorite macrophotographs from FlickR.

I hope you enjoy this weeks selection from FlickR. Feel free to visit my website, like my Facebook fan page, follow me on Twitter or add me to a circle on Google+.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Favorite FlickR Fotos for Friday, 3/23/2012

This week I thought I would spotlight some images created using optical filters. "The Basic Book of Photography" by Tom and Michele Grimm has a full chapter on filters. You can find a good discussion on photographic filters (including internet references) on Wikipedia. Given that I have immediately pointed you to other material, you may have guessed that this blog update is not a treatise on filters, their use, etc.

Filters are just one of the many tools that photographers use when creating images. There are hardware tools like optical filters, tripods and monopods, ball heads, panning heads, nodal rails and robotic panning heads, gimbal heads and bush hawk shoulder mounts. There are software tools including raw image editors, filters and processors and post-raw image editors, filters and processors. Manufacturers of these tools include Acratech, Adobe, B&W, Bushhawk, Cokin,, HDRSoft, Kirk, Lee, NIK, OnOne, Really Right Stuff, Singh-Ray, Tiffen, Wimberley and more.

Which tools to use and why is both science and art. Some hardware tools are used to stabilize the camera and lens for long exposures. Some hardware tools are used to stabilize the camera and lens while allowing motion on the X and/or Y axis. Some hardware tools are used to alter the light before it reaches the film or digital sensor. Some software tools are used to "stitch" digital images together to create panoramic images but most software tools are used to alter the affects of light after capture by the digital sensor or capture by film scanning.

Over time I have accumulated many of these tools and while I have many to chose from, my approach to creating an image has always been less work is better. I almost always use a tripod with a ball head. I sometimes use a gimbal head. When I am composing the image, I start out by visualizing the image. I then mix science and art by assessing the lighting and it's affect on the composition. Sometimes I use a circular polarizing filter, sometimes I use a graduated neutral density filter and sometimes I use a reverse graduated neutral density filter but I use them all with the same purpose: alter the light to fit the composition. Sometimes I find that the images did not turn out the way I wanted  and I will use software tools to try to alter the results. When using the software tools, I try to make changes using the raw image editors, filters and processors first. If the image is still not where I want it, I then use the post-raw editors, filters and processors. One thing I am not very good at is remembering to make notes about what filter (if any) I used when capturing the moment in camera. Sometimes I can look at the image and figure out what I did but when I am doing my best work, I can't tell if I used a filter.

Anyway, if you have read the blog update this far, here is your pay-off. The images I am spotlighting today were all found on one of two groups on FlickR. Some images were found in the group "LEE Filters" and some were found in the group "Singh Ray Filters". All demonstrate both the science and art of using a filter to create a memorable image.

"Beach of dreams II" by Vincenzo Mazza -

"Currumbin Rocks" by lovephotos10

"El Dragón Sediento" by Iván Cajigas

"Staithes Dawn Light" by Rob Ferrol

"Sunset" by Martin Mattocks (MJM383)

I hope you enjoy this weeks selection from FlickR. Feel free to visit my website, like my Facebook fan page, follow me on Twitter or add me to a circle on Google+.

Have a good weekend and think "rain"!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Favorite FlickR Fotos for Friday, 3/16/2012

Normally, I highlight five favorite photos in my Friday blog. This week, the list is a little longer.

I love the southwest United States. Images created in New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and Utah desert environments capture my attention. So this week, I decided to highlight images created on the Colorado Plateau. Roughly, the Colorado Plateau is region centered on the 4 corners region of the U.S. and encompasses approximately 130,000 square miles. Wikipedia has a great overview of the Colorado Plateau including pointers to more information.

I have spent time exploring the Colorado Plateau by car (staying in motels) and on foot (sleeping under the stars). I have day hiked on the Colorado Plateau and I have backpacked on the Colorado Plateau. The backpacking trips include the Grand Canyon, Paria Canyon-Vermillion Cliffs wilderness and areas north of Lake Powell on both Sierra Club and private trips. Through these adventures I became acquainted with some of the organizations (like the National Resources Defense CouncilSouthern Utah Wilderness Alliance  and Great Old Broads for Wilderness) who are trying to protect these areas for future generations. The Colorado Plateau is really unique and worthy of protection. 

The Colorado Plateau includes heavily visited places like Zion and Grand Canyon National Parks and less visited places like Coyote Gulch in the Glen Canyon Recreation Area. The heavily visited locations are usually easy to reach while the less visited are not. Some places are less visited because of the difficulty getting there (2 days by foot) and others simply because of they are so far off the main highways (60 miles each way on washer board dirt). Somehow the reward of getting there adds to the beauty. My list of places to visit on the Colorado Plateau is long. It is so long that I decided to expand the number of highlighted images from the usual five. I hope that these images inspire you to visit the Colorado Plateau and to think about the issues threatening the future of this area.

I hope you enjoy this weeks selection from FlickR. Feel free to visit my website, like my Facebook fan page, follow me on Twitter or add me to a circle on Google+.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Favorite FlickR Fotos for Friday 3/9/2012

This week, I decided to highlight great photographs created in California but with a twist in that the location could not be in a National Park. I put this restriction on the images because every week I look at many images created in National Parks located in California. I do this when moderating the photograph submission to the FlickR group, "Best of U.S. National Parks".

There many great places to create images in California. For "National" locations, you can chose from National Parks, National Historic Parks, National Monuments, National Preserves, National Forests, National Recreation Areas, National Historic Sites, National Seashore, National Historic Trail and the goes on. Then there are California State Parks, Preserves, Recreation Areas and more. Next there are County Parks and Recreation Areas. Then you have city owned/maintained areas.

There is a common theme to the images: all have a body of water in the photograph - two are of lakes and three are of the Pacific Ocean. Maybe next week I'll refine the restriction and eliminate images containing water. The images this week are all from areas that I have visited but never photographed: Lake Tahoe, San Diego, Big Sur, San Francisco and La Jolla. All are locations that are on my 'bucket list' of places to create images.

Here are this weeks 5 favorite images found on FlickR:
I hope you enjoy this weeks selection from FlickR. Feel free to visit my website, like my Facebook fan page, follow me on Twitter or add me to a circle on Google+.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fire on the Horizon, Dante's View, Death Valley National Park

Two weeks ago, on an overcast afternoon, I went to Dante's View in Death Valley National Park hoping for some drama at sunset. When I got to the parking lot it was cold, windy, hinting at rain and not very promising. I hiked out to the view to look things over. I did not have my camera because it was looking more like "dinner time" then anything else. I wandered around considering what I would do if the sun would/could break through. I had my choice of were to work because with the clouds, wind, temperature and the appearance that rain was imminent, it was very empty and only one other person had a tripod and camera (and he was leaving as I walked by him).

It was my first visit to Death Valley National Park and it was to be my last sunset in the park for a while. I looked around for a few minutes and noticed that the earth at one saddle in the trail was a rich red color and would make a nice foreground. I hustled back to the car realizing that I was losing what little light there was, grabbed my gear and hustled back to the saddle. This image is one of a few that I created on the saddle before moving out to a point that looked more directly west (this image is actually oriented more to the north).

The sunset opportunity did not turn out like I hoped but I ended up creating several images that I really like. As I type this I am struck with the thought of what I would have missed if I gave up and headed out to find dinner.

Image particulars: Canon 5D MKII, Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM at 16mm, f8, 1 second exposure, ISO of 100 and B&W Circular Polarizer. Post processing included Adobe LightRoom 3, Photoshop 5.1 and NIK Viveza 2.

If you enjoy reading my blog, please drop a comment or send me an email. Also, feel free to visit my website, like my Facebook fan page, follow me on Twitter or add me to a circle on Google+.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Favorite FlickR Fotos for Friday, 3/2/2012

I hate it when work gets in the way of life. I have a real job and a dream job. Recently, the real job got in the way of the dream job to such a large degree that I had very little time to discover new and interesting photographs on FlickR. When I noticed that I had only found a few new favorites, I "cheated" and reviewed what my contacts had been uploading.

Here are this weeks 5 favorite images found on FlickR:

I have no idea what the title of the following image translates to in English, but I don't need to, the image doesn't need it...

This image was created in Death Valley in a canyon I did not have an opportunity to visit when I was there 2 weeks ago...

This image was created by one of my favorite photographers on FlickR. John is also a co-worker...

I became aware of the photographic talent of oracle11g when he submitted an image to the FlickR group, "Best of U.S. National Parks", a group I help moderate. Arches National Park is on my bucket list...

Robin Black Photography is another of my favorite photographers on FlickR. You can easily kill a couple of hours looking at the Robin Black Photography photo stream on FlickrR...

I hope you enjoy this weeks selection from FlickR. Feel free to visit my website, like my Facebook fan page, follow me on Twitter or add me to a circle on Google+.