Saturday, April 21, 2012

Late Again - Favorite Fotos From FlickR for Friday, 4/20/2012

This was a tough week at my other job so I did not spend much time on FlickR. To catch up, I decided to browse through the latest 30 images from each of the groups I have joined to find five interesting fotos. Your  'groups' page on FlickR can be sorted in alphabetical order or by recent activity. I decided to try to browse the 'oldest latest' images and to do that I sorted by recent activity and then started with group at the bottom (oldest recent activity) and began working my way up. When you access a group, you are presented with the thumbnails of the most recent dozen images but beneath those images is a widget that expands the thumbnails to the most recent 30 images. So I went to each group, bottoms up in terms of recent activity, and then expanded the thumbnails to the most recent 30 images and began browsing. I found five favorites in probably 6 groups but I can't say for sure because the groups list will re-sort based on recent activity.

This weeks five favorites are:

In this first image, I like the overall composition along with the sense of movement conveyed by the lines of the water. I also like the leading lines of the rock stream bed.

This image caught my attention with the foreground sandstone leading to the dwelling as well as the repetition of the poles on the dwelling.

I like the 'rule of thirds' placement of elements in this image as well as the color and contrast used to draw your eyes to the maple leaf.

Pronghorn Antelope are one of my favorite subjects so this image immediately grabbed my attention with the subject. Additionally, I like the bokeh in this image likely created by the combination of a long lens and large aperture.

This last image struck me as one I would have composed had I been in the same location at the same time. I like vertical images, the use of the water pocket in the foreground to spark interest and the way the storm clouds lead into the image. I realized that IntrepidXJ had two of the this weeks 5 favorite images and so added him/her as a contact so I can follow the images that IntrepidXJ posts to FlickR.

 I hope you enjoy these FlickR images as much as I do. Feel free to visit my website, like my Facebook fan page, follow me on Twitter or add me to a circle on Google+.

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